Complete Tzadik Catalog - by Date
03/2025 | #9320 |
Chaos Magick : Through The Looking Glass
03/2025 | #4054 |
Ches Smith : The Self
03/2025 | #5213 |
John Zorn : The Bagatelles Vol. 3 - Triggers
02/2025 | #4053 |
Ikue Mori : Of Ghosts And Goblins
02/2025 | #5212 |
John Zorn : The Bagatelles vol. 2 - Erik Friedlander and Michael Nicolas
02/2025 | #9319 |
PainKiller : The Equinox
01/2025 | #9318-2 |
John Zorn : The Complete String Quartets
01/2025 | #5211 |
John Zorn : The Bagatelles vol. 1 - Mary Halvorson Quartet
12/2024 | #9317 |
John Zorn : Ou Phrontis
11/2024 | #9316 |
PainKiller : Samsara
10/2024 | #4052-3 |
Brian Marsella's iMAGiNARiUM : Medietas
10/2024 | #9315 |
John Zorn : New Masada Quartet, Volume Three
09/2024 | #4051 |
Dougie Bowne : The Stars Are Indispensable
09/2024 | #9314 |
John Zohn : Hannigan Sings Zorn Volume Two
09/2024 | #4050 |
Frank London : Brass Conspiracy
08/2024 | #9311 |
John Zorn : Hannigan Sings Zorn Volume One
08/2024 | #9313 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 13-Biennale Musica Venezia
08/2024 | #9312 |
John Zorn : Lamentations
07/2024 | #9310 |
John Zorn : Ballades
06/2024 | #9309 |
John Zorn : Her Melodious Lay
06/2024 | #4049 |
Mark Dresser : In The Shadow Of A Mad King
05/2024 | #9308 |
John Zorn/Jesse Harris : Love Songs Live
05/2024 | #4048 |
On Ka'a Davis : ...Here’s To Another Day And Night For The Lwa Of The Woke
04/2024 | #9307 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 12 - The Bosch Requiem
03/2024 | #6012 |
Sean Ono Lennon : Asterisms LP
03/2024 | #4047 |
Phantom Orchard : Hit Parade Of Tears
02/2024 | #4046 |
Sean Ono Lennon : Asterisms CD
02/2024 | #4045 |
Simon Hanes : Tsons Of Tsunami
01/2024 | #9306 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 11 - For Terry Riley
12/2023 | #4044 |
Terton : Outer, Inner, Secret
11/2023 | #9305 |
John Zorn : Parrhesiastes
11/2023 | #9304 |
John Zorn : Nothing Is As Real As Nothing
11/2023 | #4043 |
Anna Webber and Matt Mitchell : Capacious Aeration
10/2023 | #9303 |
John Zorn : Homenaje A Remedios Varo
08/2023 | #9301 |
John Zorn : Full Fathom Five
06/2023 | #9302 |
John Zorn : Quatrain
05/2023 | #4042 |
John Zorn-Bill Laswell : Memoria
04/2023 | #8399 |
John Zorn : Multiplicities II: A Repository Of Nonexistent Objects
03/2023 | #8397 |
John Zorn : The Fourth Way
03/2023 | #8396 |
John Zorn : New Masada Quartet, Volume Two
03/2023 | #8398 |
John Zorn : 444
12/2022 | #8395 |
John Zorn : John Zorn's Olympiad--Vol. 3 Pops Plays Pops--Eugene Chadbourne Plays The Book Of Heads
11/2022 | #8394 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 10 - Bozar, Brussels
11/2022 | #8391 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 9 - Liber VII
10/2022 | #8393 |
John Zorn : Multiplicities: A Repository Of Non-Existent Objects
09/2022 | #8392 |
John Zorn : Incerto
09/2022 | #4041 |
Titan to Tachyons : Vonals
07/2022 | #8389 |
John Zorn : Suite For Piano
07/2022 | #8390 |
John Zorn : John Zorn’s Olympiad - vol. 2 Fencing 1978
06/2022 | #4040 |
Ikue Mori : Tracing The Magic
05/2022 | #4039 |
Charming Hostess : The Ginzburg Geography
05/2022 | #8386 |
John Zorn : A Garden Of Forking Paths
04/2022 | #8388 |
John Zorn : Spinoza
03/2022 | #8387 |
John Zorn : Perchance To Dream...
03/2022 | #4038 |
Zoh Amba : O, Sun
02/2022 | #B011 |
John Zorn : Arcana X
01/2022 | #4037 |
John Zorn-Bill Laswell : The Cleansing
11/2021 | #8385 |
John Zorn : The Ninth Circle
11/2021 | #8384 |
John Zorn : New Masada Quartet
10/2021 | #4036 |
Miles Okazaki-Trevor Dunn-Dan Weiss : Hive Mind
09/2021 | #8383 |
John Zorn : Meditations On The Tarot
08/2021 | #8382 |
John Zorn : Nostradamus: The Death Of Satan
08/2021 | #4035 |
John Medeski : Crawlspace
07/2021 | #8381 |
John Zorn : Parables
06/2021 | #4034 |
Gyan Riley : Silver Lining
05/2021 | #4033 |
Ikue Mori—Brian Marsella—Sae Hashimoto : Archipelago X
04/2021 | #8380 |
John Zorn : Chaos Magick
03/2021 | #8379 |
John Zorn : Teresa De Avila
02/2021 | #B010 |
John Zorn : Arcana IX
02/2021 | #8378 |
John Zorn : Heaven And Earth Magick
01/2021 | #8377 |
John Zorn : Gnosis: The Inner Light
01/2021 | #6011 |
John Zorn/Jesse Harris : Songs For Petra
12/2020 | #8376 |
John Zorn : The Turner Etudes
11/2020 | #8375 |
John Zorn : Azoth
11/2020 | #7819 |
Red Fiction : Visions Of The Void
10/2020 | #4032 |
I.P.Y. : IPY
09/2020 | #7818 |
Wyxz : Odyx
08/2020 | #8374 |
John Zorn/Jesse Harris : Songs For Petra
07/2020 | #8373 |
John Zorn : Les Maudits
06/2020 | #8372 |
John Zorn : Baphomet
06/2020 | #4031 |
Spike Orchestra : Splintered Stories
05/2020 | #8371 |
John Zorn : Calculus
05/2020 | #7817 |
Witch 'n' Monk : Witch 'n' Monk
04/2020 | #4030-2 |
David Hertzberg : The Wake World
03/2020 | #4029 |
Brian Marsella : Gatos do Sul
02/2020 | #8370 |
John Zorn : Virtue
01/2020 | #8369 |
John Zorn : Beyond Good And Evil—Simulacrum Live
11/2019 | #5111 |
Craig Taborn and Vadim Neselovskyi : The Book Beri'ah Vol 11—Da'at
10/2019 | #8368 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Volume 8—For Antonin Artaud
10/2019 | #5110 |
Secret Chiefs 3 : The Book Beri'ah Vol 10—Malkhut
09/2019 | #5109 |
Banquet of the Spirits : The Book Beri'ah Vol 9—Yesod
09/2019 | #8367 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ vol. 7 — St. John the Divine 2013
08/2019 | #5108 |
Zion 80 : The Book Beri'ah Vol 8--Hod
08/2019 | #8366 |
John Zorn : Encomia
07/2019 | #5107 |
Gnostic Trio : The Book Beri’ah Vol 7--Netzach
07/2019 | #8365 |
John Zorn : Tractatus Musico-Philosophicus
06/2019 | #8364 |
John Zorn : Nove Cantici Per Francesco D’Assisi
06/2019 | #5106 |
Klezmerson : The Book Beri’ah Vol 6—Tiferet
05/2019 | #5105 |
Abraxas : The Book Beri'ah Vol 5 -- Gevurah
05/2019 | #8363 |
John Zorn : The Hierophant
05/2019 | #6006 |
John Zorn : Pellucidar -- A Dreamers Fantabula
04/2019 | #5104 |
Julian Lage and Gyan Riley : The Book Beri'ah Vol 4 -- Chesed
04/2019 | #4028 |
Trevor Dunn : Nocturnes
03/2019 | #8362 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Vol 6--For Edgar Allan Poe
03/2019 | #5103 |
Spike Orchestra : The Book Beri’ah Vol 3--Binah
02/2019 | #5102 |
Cleric : The Book Beri’ah Vol 2--Chokhma
01/2019 | #5101 |
Sofía Rei And JC Maillard : The Book Beri’ah Vol 1--Keter
12/2018 | #8361 |
John Zorn : Salem, 1692
10/2018 | #4027 |
Wendy Eisenberg : The Machinic Unconscious
09/2018 | #4026 |
Brian Marsella Trio : Outspoken--The Music Of The Legendary Hasaan
08/2018 | #4025 |
Winged Serpents : Six Encomiums For Cecil Taylor
07/2018 | #4024 |
Mary Halvorson : The Maid With The Flaxen Hair—A Tribute To Johnny Smith
06/2018 | #8360 |
John Zorn : In A Convex Mirror
05/2018 | #4023 |
Okkyung Lee : Cheol-Kkot-Sae (Steel.Flower.Bird)
04/2018 | #8359 |
John Zorn : Insurrection
03/2018 | #4022 |
Karl Berger : In A Moment—Music For Piano And Strings
02/2018 | #4021 |
Scott Johnson : Mind Out Of Matter
01/2018 | #8358 |
John Zorn : The Urmuz Epigrams
12/2017 | #4020 |
Kramer : The Brill Building, Book Two Featuring Bill Frisell
11/2017 | #4019 |
Connie Converse : Vanity Of Vanities--A Tribute To Connie Converse
11/2017 | #8357 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ--Philharmonie De Paris
10/2017 | #8356 |
Mary Halvorson Quartet : Paimon: The Book Of Angels Volume 32
09/2017 | #B009 |
John Zorn : Arcana VIII: Musicians on Music -- Ten Year Anniversary Edition
09/2017 | #8355 |
John Zorn : The Interpretation Of Dreams
08/2017 | #7816 |
Shardik : Shardik
07/2017 | #4018 |
Ikue Mori : Obelisk
06/2017 | #7815 |
Burning Ghosts : Reclamation
06/2017 | #8354 |
John Zorn : Midsummer Moons
05/2017 | #4017 |
Craig Taborn and Ikue Mori : Highsmith
04/2017 | #8353 |
Brian Marsella : Buer: The Book Of Angels Volume 31
03/2017 | #8352 |
John Zorn : There Is No More Firmament
02/2017 | #8351 |
John Zorn : The Garden Of Earthly Delights
01/2017 | #8350 |
Garth Knox and the Saltarello Trio : Leonard: The Book of Angels Volume 30
11/2016 | #7061b |
Ned Rothenberg : Ghost Stories ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
11/2016 | #4016 |
Shane Parish : Undertaker Please Drive Slow
11/2016 | #7161b |
Z'ev : The Sapphire Nature ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
10/2016 | #7031b |
Bun-Ching Lam : The Child God ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
10/2016 | #8349 |
John Zorn : The Classic Guide To Strategy-Vol. 4
10/2016 | #7261b |
Muddy World : Finery of the Storm ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
09/2016 | #7076b |
Fred Frith : Freedom In Fragments ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
09/2016 | #8348 |
John Zorn : 49 Acts Of Unspeakable Depravity In The Abominable Life And Times Of Gilles De Rais
09/2016 | #7622b |
Kaiser/Noyes/Park : Invite The Spirit 1983 ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
08/2016 | #7507b |
Frank London : The Debt ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
08/2016 | #M001 |
Heung-Heung Chin : Chippy Charmers Set One
08/2016 | #M002 |
Heung-Heung Chin : Chippy Charmers Set Two
08/2016 | #M003 |
Heung-Heung Chin : Chippy Charmers Set - Both Sets
08/2016 | #8347 |
John Zorn : Commedia Dell’arte
08/2016 | #7814 |
Unnatural Ways : We Aliens
08/2016 | #7060b |
Wadada Leo Smith : Reflectativity ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
07/2016 | #8346 |
AutorYno : Flauros: The Book Of Angels Volume 29
07/2016 | #7403b |
Danny Cohen, Mike Boner, Horse Cock Kids : Self Indulgent Music ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
07/2016 | #8345 |
John Zorn : Sacred Visions
07/2016 | #7618b |
Tony Oxley : The Advocate ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
06/2016 | #8111b |
Jamie Saft Trio : Trouble–The Jamie Saft Trio Plays Bob Dylan ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
06/2016 | #4015 |
Robert Dick : Our Cells Know
06/2016 | #7236b |
Syzygys : Eyes on Green: Syzygys Live at Tokyo Inkstick 1988 ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
05/2016 | #7404b |
Dion McGregor : Dion McGregor Dreams Again ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
05/2016 | #8344 |
John Zorn : The Mockingbird
05/2016 | #7173b |
Sasha Argov : Great Jewish Music: Sasha Argov ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
04/2016 | #7224b |
Friction : Zone Tripper ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
04/2016 | #8343 |
Nova Express Quintet : Andras: The Book Of Angels Volume 28
04/2016 | #8038b |
Teiji Ito : Music for Maya—Film Music of Teiji Ito ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
03/2016 | #4014 |
Cyro Baptista : BlueFly
03/2016 | #8342 |
John Zorn : The Painted Bird
03/2016 | #8005b |
Richard Crandell : Mbira Magic ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
03/2016 | #7192b |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Jacob do Bandolim ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
02/2016 | #7609b-2 |
Anton Fier : Dreamspeed/Blindlight 1992-1994 ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
02/2016 | #7045b |
Jerry Hunt : SongDrapes ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
02/2016 | #8341 |
John Zorn : Flaga: The Book Of Angels Volume 27
01/2016 | #7130b |
Glenn Spearman : Blues for Falasha ~~~A Tzadik Classic!
01/2016 | #8339 |
John Zorn : Madrigals
01/2016 | #8340 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ vol. 4—St. Bart's
01/2016 | #7067b |
Jose Maceda : Gongs and Bamboos ~~~ A Tzadik Classic!
11/2015 | #4013 |
Daniel Zamir : Redemption Songs
11/2015 | #8338 |
John Zorn : Cerberus: The Book of Angels Volume 26
10/2015 | #T007 |
Tzadik : Inferno T-Shirt
10/2015 | #T006 |
Tzadik : Witches T-Shirt
10/2015 | #8337 |
John Zorn : James Moore Plays The Book Of Heads - CD and DVD of a film by Stephen Taylor
10/2015 | #4012 |
Larry Ochs : The Fictive Five
09/2015 | #4011 |
John Schott : Actual Trio
09/2015 | #8336 |
John Zorn : Inferno
08/2015 | #4010 |
Blue Buddha : Blue Buddha
08/2015 | #8335 |
John Zorn : The True Discoveries Of Witches And Demons
07/2015 | #7813 |
Bret Higgins’ Atlas Revolt : Bret Higgins’ Atlas Revolt
07/2015 | #8334 |
John Zorn : Forro Zinho -- Forro In The Dark Plays Zorn
06/2015 | #8333 |
John Zorn : Pellucidar—A Dreamers Fantabula
06/2015 | #7812 |
Les Rhinocéros : Les Rhinocéros III
05/2015 | #9006 |
Jason Eckardt : Subject
05/2015 | #8332 |
Mycale : Gomory: The Book Of Angels Volume 25
04/2015 | #4009 |
David Rosenboom : Naked Curvature
04/2015 | #8331 |
John Zorn : The Song Project Live at Le Poisson Rouge
03/2015 | #8330 |
John Zorn : Simulacrum
03/2015 | #4008 |
Per Bloland : Chamber Industrial
02/2015 | #4007 |
Ikue Mori : In Light of Shadows
02/2015 | #8329 |
John Zorn : Hen To Pan
02/2015 | #8328 |
Klezmerson : Amon: The Book Of Angels Volume 24
01/2015 | #7811 |
Hypercolor : Hypercolor
01/2015 | #8327 |
John Zorn : John Zorn’s Olympiad—Vol. 1 Dither Plays Zorn
01/2015 | #8326 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ Vol. 3—St. Paul’s Hall, Huddersfield
11/2014 | #8325 |
John Zorn : The Last Judgment
11/2014 | #6004 |
John Zorn : The Song Project Vinyl Singles Edition
11/2014 | #4006 |
Karl Berger : Gently Unfamiliar
10/2014 | #8324 |
John Zorn : Transmigration Of The Magus
10/2014 | #4005 |
Wollesen - Haffner - Naujo : Rasa Rasa
09/2014 | #4004 |
David Smith, Bill Laswell, John Zorn : The Dream Membrane
09/2014 | #8323 |
John Zorn : Valentine’s Day
09/2014 | #8322 |
Roberto Rodriguez : Aguares: The Book Of Angels Volume 23
09/2014 | #B008 |
John Zorn : Arcana VII
08/2014 | #8321 |
John Zorn : The Testament Of Solomon
08/2014 | #7810 |
The Suite Unraveling : The Suite Unraveling
08/2014 | #8182 |
Zebrina : Hamidbar Medaber
07/2014 | #8320 |
John Zorn : On Leaves Of Grass
07/2014 | #8319 |
Zion 80 : Adramelech: The Book of Angels vol. 22
06/2014 | #8318 |
John Zorn : Myth And Mythopoeia
06/2014 | #4003 |
Phantom Orchard Ensemble : Through The Looking-Glass
06/2014 | #4002 |
Sylvie Courvoisier : Double Windsor
06/2014 | #4001 |
Wadada Leo Smith-George Lewis-John Zorn : Sonic Rivers
05/2014 | #8184 |
Haggai Cohen-Milo : Penguin
05/2014 | #8317 |
John Zorn : In The Hall Of Mirrors
05/2014 | #8185 |
Paul Shapiro : Shofarot Verses
05/2014 | #8183 |
Ty Citerman : Bop Kabbalah
04/2014 | #8316 |
Eyvind Kang : Alastor: The Book of Angels vol. 21
04/2014 | #7809 |
Many Arms : Suspended Definition
03/2014 | #9008 |
Ha-Yang Kim : Threadsuns
03/2014 | #8315 |
John Zorn : Fragmentations, Prayers And Interjections
03/2014 | #9007 |
Tobias Picker : Invisible Lilacs
02/2014 | #8313 |
John Zorn : Psychomagia
02/2014 | #8314 |
John Zorn : The Alchemist
02/2014 | #9005 |
Matthew Barnson : Sibyl Tones
01/2014 | #9004 |
Adam Roberts : Leaf Metal
01/2014 | #8312 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ vol. 2—St. Paul’s Chapel
12/2013 | #8309 |
John Zorn : In Lambeth—Visions From The Walled Garden Of William Blake
12/2013 | #8310 |
John Zorn : Shir Hashirim
11/2013 | #7645 |
Henry Kaiser : Requia And Other Improvisations For Guitar Solo
11/2013 | #9003 |
John Zorn : On The Torment Of Saints, The Casting Of Spells And The Evocation Of Spirits
11/2013 | #8311 |
PainKiller : The Prophecy
10/2013 | #7644 |
Marco Cappelli Acoustic Trio : Le Stagioni Del Commissario Ricciardi
10/2013 | #3014 |
Meredith Monk : Solo Concert 1980
10/2013 | #7729 |
Suphala : Alien Ancestry
09/2013 | #9001 |
Jacques Demierre : Breaking Stone
09/2013 | #7643 |
John Zorn And Thurston Moore : “@”
09/2013 | #9002 |
Pierre-Yves Macé : Segments Et Apostilles
08/2013 | #8181 |
AutorYno : Cosmopolitan Traffic
08/2013 | #8180 |
Barbez : Bella Ciao
07/2013 | #8098 |
Aya Nishina : Flora
07/2013 | #8099 |
David Fulmer : On Night
07/2013 | #8308 |
John Zorn : Dreamachines
07/2013 | #8097 |
Noah Creshevsky : The Four Seasons
06/2013 | #8176 |
Alvin Curran : Shofar Rags
06/2013 | #8178 |
Bester Quartet : The Golden Land
06/2013 | #8177 |
David Buchbinder : Walk To The Sea
06/2013 | #8179 |
Deveykus : Pillar Without Mercy
05/2013 | #7807 |
Guerilla Toss : Guerilla Toss
05/2013 | #7808 |
Les Rhinocéros : Les Rhinocéros II
05/2013 | #8307 |
Pat Metheny : Tap: The Book of Angels vol. 20
04/2013 | #8175 |
Jon Madof : Zion80
04/2013 | #7642 |
Massacre : Love Me Tender
04/2013 | #3013 |
Raz Mesinai : Tunnel Vision
04/2013 | #8174 |
Uri Gurvich : BabEl
03/2013 | #8096 |
Gloria Coates : At Midnight
03/2013 | #8306 |
John Zorn : The Mysteries
03/2013 | #7806 |
Pet Bottle Ningen : Non-Recyclable
02/2013 | #8094 |
Anthony Coleman : The End of Summer
02/2013 | #7641 |
Bill Frisell : Silent Comedy
02/2013 | #8173 |
Dora Juárez Kiczkovsky : Cantos Para Una Diáspora
02/2013 | #8095 |
John Zorn : Lemma
01/2013 | #8172 |
Gabriele Coen : Yiddish Melodies In Jazz
01/2013 | #8305 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XXV—City Of Slaughter/Schmatta/Beyond The Infinite
01/2013 | #8093 |
Lee Hyla : My Life On The Plains
11/2012 | #3012 |
John Zorn : John Zorn’s Treatment For A Film In Fifteen Scenes
11/2012 | #8171-5 |
Hasidic New Wave : The Complete Recordings
11/2012 | #8304 |
John Zorn : The Concealed
11/2012 | #7728 |
Phantom Orchard Orchestra : Trouble In Paradise
10/2012 | #8091 |
David Rosenboom : Life Field
10/2012 | #8090 |
Ernesto Martinez : Sincronario
10/2012 | #8092 |
John Zorn : Music And Its Double
09/2012 | #8089 |
Eyvind Kang : Grass
09/2012 | #8303 |
John Zorn : A Vision In Blakelight
09/2012 | #7412 |
Kramer : The Brill Building
08/2012 | #8088 |
Annie Gosfield : Almost Truths And Open Deceptions
08/2012 | #8301 |
John Zorn : Rimbaud
08/2012 | #B007 |
John Zorn : Arcana VI
08/2012 | #7270 |
Uchihashi Kazuhisa And Yoshida Tatsuya : Barisshee
07/2012 | #8170 |
Bester Quartet : Metamorphoses
07/2012 | #8087 |
Fausto Romitelli : Anamorphosis
07/2012 | #8302 |
Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz : Abraxas: The Book Of Angels Volume 19
06/2012 | #7727 |
Jessica Pavone : Hope Dawson Is Missing
06/2012 | #7399 |
John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ
06/2012 | #7640 |
Marilyn Crispell, Mark Dresser, Gerry Hemingway : Marilyn Crispell, Mark Dresser, Gerry Hemingway Play Braxton
05/2012 | #7398 |
John Zorn : Templars-In Sacred Blood
05/2012 | #8085 |
Ned Rothenberg : World Of Odd Harmonics
05/2012 | #8086 |
Timba Harris : neXus: Cascadia
04/2012 | #7726 |
High Duchess : Wanderlust
04/2012 | #7397 |
John Zorn : Nosferatu
04/2012 | #7805 |
Many Arms : Many Arms
04/2012 | #8169 |
Samech : Quachatta
03/2012 | #7396 |
David Krakauer : Pruflas: The Book of Angels vol. 18
03/2012 | #7804 |
Guillaume Perret & The Electric Epic : Guillaume Perret & The Electric Epic
03/2012 | #7639 |
Jon Raskin and Carla Harryman : Open Box
02/2012 | #8168 |
Aaron Novik : Secret of Secrets
02/2012 | #8084 |
Anna Clyne : Blue Moth
02/2012 | #7395 |
John Zorn : The Gnostic Preludes
02/2012 | #7638 |
Shelley Hirsch / Simon Ho : Where Were You Then?
01/2012 | #7394 |
John Zorn : Mount Analogue
01/2012 | #8167 |
Terry Riley : Aleph
01/2012 | #7522 |
Zeena Parkins : Double Dupe Down
11/2011 | #7302 |
John Zorn : Elegy—20th Anniversary Edition
10/2011 | #8083 |
Andy Laster : Riptide
10/2011 | #8165 |
Basya Schechter : Songs Of Wonder
10/2011 | #8166 |
Zakarya : Greatest Hits
10/2011 | #6002 |
John Zorn : A Dreamers Christmas
10/2011 | #7393 |
John Zorn : A Dreamers Christmas
10/2011 | #6003 |
John Zorn's The Dreamers Featuring Mike Patton : The Christmas Song/Santa's Workshop
09/2011 | #7637 |
Chris Cochrane/Dennis Cooper/Ishmael Houston-Jones : Them
09/2011 | #7392 |
John Zorn : At The Gates Of Paradise
09/2011 | #7725 |
Theresa Wong : The Unlearning
08/2011 | #7636 |
Ikue Mori/Mark Nauseef/Evan Parker/Bill Laswell : Near Nadir
08/2011 | #8164 |
Jamie Saft : Borscht Belt Studies
08/2011 | #8082 |
Jeremiah Cymerman : Fire Sign
07/2011 | #7803 |
Aram Bajakian’s Kef : Aram Bajakian’s Kef
07/2011 | #8163 |
Joel Rubin/Uri Caine Duo : Azoy Tsu Tsveyt
07/2011 | #7269 |
Ni Hao! : Marvelous
06/2011 | #7391 |
John Zorn : Enigmata
06/2011 | #8162 |
Klezmerson : Siete
06/2011 | #7802 |
Pet Bottle Ningen : Pet Bottle Ningen
05/2011 | #8161 |
Artichaut Orkestra : T For Teresa
05/2011 | #8081 |
George Lewis : Les Exercices Spirituels
05/2011 | #7801 |
Les Rhinocéros : Les Rhinocéros
04/2011 | #7390 |
John Zorn : The Satyr's Play - Cerberus
04/2011 | #8160 |
Mazal : Axerico En Selanik
04/2011 | #8080 |
Ryan Francis : Works For Piano
04/2011 | #B006 |
J. Hoberman : On Jack Smith's Flaming Creatures (and other Secret-Flix of Cinemaroc)
04/2011 | #7389 |
John Zorn : Nova Express
03/2011 | #8159 |
David Solid Gould Vs Bill Laswell : Dub Of The Passover
03/2011 | #7724 |
Okkyung Lee : Noisy Love Songs
02/2011 | #3011 |
Ikue Mori : Kibyoshi
02/2011 | #8158 |
Pitom : Blasphemy and other Serious Crimes
02/2011 | #8079 |
Ron Anderson’s Pak : Secret Curve
01/2011 | #7388 |
Banquet of the Spirits : Caym: The Book Of Angels Volume 17
01/2011 | #8078 |
Gyan Riley : Stream Of Gratitude
11/2010 | #6001 |
John Zorn : The Dreamers-The Gentle Side
11/2010 | #7521 |
Fred Frith : Eye To Ear 3
11/2010 | #7387 |
John Zorn : Interzone
11/2010 | #8077 |
Matthew Welch : Blarvuster
11/2010 | #0005 |
Medeski, Martin and Wood : The Stone: Issue Four
10/2010 | #8157 |
Arnold Dreyblatt : Who's Who In Central & East Europe 1933
10/2010 | #8076 |
John Zorn : What Thou Wilt
10/2010 | #7312 |
John Zorn : Naked City Black Box-20th Anniversary Edition: Torture Garden/Leng Tch'e
10/2010 | #7723 |
Maria Raducanu : ziori
09/2010 | #7635 |
Jesse Harris : Cosmo
09/2010 | #7386 |
John Zorn : Ipsissimus
09/2010 | #8156 |
Omer Klein : Rockets On The Balcony
08/2010 | #8154 |
Gabriele Coen "Jewish Experience" : Awakening
08/2010 | #7385 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XXIV - The Nobel Prizewinner
08/2010 | #8155 |
Marty Ehrlich : Fables
07/2010 | #8153 |
Jeremy Fogel : Exorcism
07/2010 | #3010 |
John Zorn/Richard Foreman/Henry Hills : Astronome: A Night At The Opera
07/2010 | #8075 |
Karl Berger : Strangely Familiar
07/2010 | #7384 |
Masada String Trio : Haborym: The Book Of Angels Volume 16
06/2010 | #8152 |
Charming Hostess : The Bowls Project
06/2010 | #B005 |
John Zorn : Arcana V: Musicians on Music,Magic & Mysticism
06/2010 | #7383 |
John Zorn : The Goddess—Music for the Ancient of Days
06/2010 | #8151 |
Rafi Malkiel : Water
05/2010 | #7382 |
John Zorn : Dictée/Liber Novus
05/2010 | #7268 |
Makigami Koichi : Tokyo Taiga
05/2010 | #8074 |
Scott Johnson : Americans
04/2010 | #8150 |
AutorYno : Pastrami Bagel Social Club
04/2010 | #7634 |
John Zorn/Fred Frith Duo : Late Works
04/2010 | #8073 |
Ned Rothenberg : Quintet For Clarinet And Strings
03/2010 | #8072 |
J.G. Thirlwell : Manorexia: The Mesopelagic Waters
03/2010 | #7520 |
Jamie Saft : A Bag of Shells
03/2010 | #7267 |
Ned Rothenberg : Ryu Nashi/No School-New Music For Shakuhachi
03/2010 | #7380 |
The Dreamers : Ipos: The Book Of Angels vol. 14
02/2010 | #7379 |
John Zorn : In Search Of The Miraculous
02/2010 | #8071 |
John King : 10 Mysteries
02/2010 | #7085b |
John Zorn : Chimeras
02/2010 | #8070 |
Terry Riley : Autodreamographical Tales
01/2010 | #7633 |
Mark Feldman and Sylvie Courvoisier : Oblivia
01/2010 | #7378 |
Mycale : Mycale: The Book of Angels Volume 13
01/2010 | #8069 |
Noah Creshevsky : The Twilight of the Gods
01/2010 | #7722 |
Yuka Honda : Heart Chamber Phantoms
11/2009 | #7266 |
Sajjanu : Pechiku!!
11/2009 | #7632 |
Evan Parker : House Full of Floors
11/2009 | #8068 |
Jose Maceda : Ugnayan
11/2009 | #7721 |
Meredith Monk : Beginnings
10/2009 | #8149 |
David Gould : Feast of the Passover
10/2009 | #8067 |
David Simons : Fung Sha Noon
10/2009 | #7719 |
Jessica Pavone : Songs of Synastry and Solitude
10/2009 | #7377 |
John Zorn : Femina
10/2009 | #7720 |
Minamo : Kuroi Kawa~Black River
09/2009 | #8066 |
Ahleuchatistas : Of the Body Prone
09/2009 | #7631 |
Anthony Coleman : Freakish
09/2009 | #B004 |
John Zorn : Arcana IV
09/2009 | #8065 |
Mario Diaz de Leon : Enter Houses Of
08/2009 | #8146 |
Ben Goldberg : Speech Communication
08/2009 | #8148 |
David Taylor : Red Sea
08/2009 | #8147 |
Eyal Maoz's Edom : Hope and Destruction
08/2009 | #7321b |
John Zorn : Music for Children—10th anniversary edition
08/2009 | #7411 |
On Ka'a Davis : Djoukoujou!
07/2009 | #7630 |
Cyro Baptista's Banquet of the Spirits : Infinito
07/2009 | #7376 |
John Zorn : O'o
07/2009 | #8145 |
Koby Israelite : Is He Listening?
07/2009 | #8144 |
Rashanim : The Gathering
06/2009 | #7375 |
Masada Quintet : Stolas: The Book of Angels Volume 12
06/2009 | #8142 |
Perry Robinson and Burton Greene : Two Voices in the Desert
06/2009 | #8143 |
Tim Sparks : Little Princess
05/2009 | #3009 |
Henry Hills : Selected Films 1977-2008
05/2009 | #8141 |
Frank London/Lorin Sklamberg : Tsuker-zis
05/2009 | #7629 |
Ikue Mori : Class Insecta
05/2009 | #7374 |
John Zorn : Alhambra Love Songs
05/2009 | #8140 |
Roberto Rodriguez : Timba Talmud
05/2009 | #7628 |
Wadada Leo Smith/Jack Dejohnette : America
04/2009 | #8139 |
Pissuk Rachav : Eretz Hakodesh
04/2009 | #7519 |
Robert Burger : City of Strangers
04/2009 | #8064 |
Stabat Akish : Stabat Akish
03/2009 | #8062 |
Bill Laswell : Invisible Design II
03/2009 | #8137 |
Greg Wall's Later Prophets : The Kook Project
03/2009 | #7627 |
Guy Klucevsek : Dancing on the Volcano
03/2009 | #8138 |
Tafillalt : Tafillalt
02/2009 | #3008 |
Richard Foreman : Sophia:The Cliffs/35+ Year Retrospective Compilation
02/2009 | #8134 |
Daphna Sadeh & the Voyagers : Reconciliation
02/2009 | #7373 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XXIII: el General
02/2009 | #8136 |
Roberto Rodriguez : The First Basket
02/2009 | #8135 |
Uri Gurvich : The Storyteller
01/2009 | #8131 |
Borah Bergman Trio : Luminescence
01/2009 | #8130 |
Feldman / Caine / Cohen / Baron : Secrets
01/2009 | #8133 |
Jamie Saft : Black Shabbis
01/2009 | #8132 |
Ori Dakari : Entrances
12/2008 | #7372 |
John Zorn : The Crucible
11/2008 | #7371 |
John Zorn : The Last Supper: Filmworks XXII
11/2008 | #8063 |
Wu Fei : Yuan
10/2008 | #7410 |
Brown Wing Overdrive : ESP Organism
10/2008 | #7370 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XXI: Belle de Nature/The New Rijksmuseum
10/2008 | #8061 |
Mamoru Fujieda : Patterns of Plants II
10/2008 | #8129 |
Zakarya : The True Story Concerning Martin Behaim
10/2008 | #B003 |
John Zorn : Arcana III
09/2008 | #7369 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XX: Sholem Aleichem
09/2008 | #8060 |
Paola Prestini : Body Maps
09/2008 | #8059 |
Peter Garland : Three Strange Angels
09/2008 | #8128 |
Yoshie Fruchter : Pitom
08/2008 | #8057 |
Anthony Pateras : Chromatophore
08/2008 | #8056 |
Berangere Maximin : Tant que les Heures Passent
08/2008 | #7626 |
Braxton, Graves, Parker : Beyond Quantum
08/2008 | #8055 |
Maryanne Amacher : Sound Characters vol. 2
08/2008 | #7368 |
Medeski, Martin and Wood : Zaebos: The Book of Angels volume 11
08/2008 | #8058 |
Teiji Ito : Watermill
07/2008 | #7625 |
Fred Frith : To Sail, To Sail
07/2008 | #7518 |
Trevor Dunn : Four Films
06/2008 | #8053 |
Keeril Makan : In Sound
06/2008 | #8127 |
Klez-Edge : Ancestors, Mindreles, Nagila Monsters
06/2008 | #8054 |
Lukas Ligeti : Afrikan Machinery
06/2008 | #8126 |
Paul Shapiro : Essen
05/2008 | #8125 |
Daniel Zamir : I Believe
05/2008 | #8052 |
Elliott Sharp : String Quartets: 2002–2007
05/2008 | #7265 |
Haino Keiji/Yoshida Tatsuya : Uhrfasudhasdd
05/2008 | #7718 |
Phantom Orchard : Orra
05/2008 | #7364 |
Secret Chiefs 3 : Xaphan: Book of Angels Volume 9
04/2008 | #8049 |
Jeremiah Cymerman : In Memory of the Labyrinth System
04/2008 | #0004 |
Lou Reed/Laurie Anderson/John Zorn : The Stone: Issue Three
04/2008 | #8051 |
Maja S.K. Ratkje : River Mouth Echoes
04/2008 | #8124 |
Tangele : The Pulse of Yiddish Tango
04/2008 | #8050-3 |
The Hub : Boundary Layer
03/2008 | #7367 |
Bar Kokhba : Lucifer: Book of Angels Volume 10
03/2008 | #7624 |
Cyro Baptista : Banquet of the Spirits
03/2008 | #7366 |
John Zorn : The Dreamers
03/2008 | #8123 |
Oren Ambarchi and z'ev : Spirit Transform Me
03/2008 | #8048 |
Teiji Ito : The Shamanic Principles
03/2008 | #T005 |
Tzadik : Dreamers Tee
02/2008 | #8047 |
Ahleuchatistas : The Same and the Other
02/2008 | #8046 |
Marc Ribot : Exercises in Futility
02/2008 | #7006b |
Mark Feldman : Music for Violin Alone
01/2008 | #8044 |
Chris Dench : Beyond Status Geometry
01/2008 | #8045 |
Fred Frith : Back to Life
01/2008 | #7365 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XIX: The Rain Horse
01/2008 | #8122 |
Steven Bernstein : Diaspora Suite
11/2007 | #8121 |
David Buchbinder : Odessa/Havana
11/2007 | #8042 |
Eyvind Kang : The Yelm Sessions
11/2007 | #8043 |
Jose Maceda : Drone and Melody
11/2007 | #8041 |
Richard Crandell : Spring Steel
10/2007 | #8040 |
Guy Klucevsek : Song of Remembrance
10/2007 | #8120 |
La Mar Enfortuna : Conviviencia
09/2007 | #8119 |
Dan Kaufman : Force of Light
09/2007 | #7363 |
Erik Friedlander : Volac: Book of Angels Volume 8
09/2007 | #B002 |
John Zorn : Arcana II
09/2007 | #8039 |
Lisa Bielawa : A Handful of World
08/2007 | #7623 |
Fred Frith / Evelyn Glennie : The Sugar Factory
08/2007 | #7622 |
Kaiser/Noyes/Park : Invite the Spirit 1983
08/2007 | #8038 |
Teiji Ito : Music for Maya—The Film Music of Teiji Ito
07/2007 | #8037 |
Ha-Yang Kim : Ama
07/2007 | #8036 |
Noah Creshevsky : To Know and Not to Know
07/2007 | #7621 |
Steve Coleman : Invisible Paths: First Scattering
06/2007 | #7620 |
Derek Bailey : Standards
06/2007 | #3007 |
Ikue Mori : Bhima Swarga–The Journey of the Soul From Hell to Heaven
06/2007 | #8035 |
John Zorn : From Silence to Sorcery
06/2007 | #7362 |
Marc Ribot : Asmodeus: Book of Angels Volume 7
05/2007 | #7264 |
Death Ambient : Drunken Forest
05/2007 | #8034 |
M C Maguire : Meta–Conspiracy
05/2007 | #7619 |
Massacre : Lonely Heart
05/2007 | #8118 |
Paul Brody : For the Moment
04/2007 | #8117 |
Irving Fields Trio : My Yiddishe Mama's Favorites
04/2007 | #3006 |
Ken Jacobs : New York Ghetto Fishmarket 1903
04/2007 | #7717 |
Pamelia Kurstin : Thinking Out Loud
04/2007 | #8033 |
Sylvie Courvoisier : Signs and Epigrams
03/2007 | #8032 |
Derek Keller : Impositions and Consequences
03/2007 | #0003 |
Fred Frith / Chris Cutler : The Stone: Issue Two
03/2007 | #7361 |
John Zorn : Six Litanies for Heliogabalus
03/2007 | #8031 |
Teiji Ito : Tenno
03/2007 | #8116 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : Remembrance
02/2007 | #8115 |
Boris Malkovsky : Time Petah-Tiqva
02/2007 | #3005 |
Claudia Heuermann : Sabbath in Paradise
02/2007 | #8030 |
Mick Barr : Octis: Iohargh Wended
02/2007 | #7618 |
Tony Oxley : The Advocate
02/2007 | #T004 |
Tzadik : Astronome T-shirt
01/2007 | #8114 |
Ned Rothenberg's Sync with Strings : Inner Diaspora
01/2007 | #8029 |
Scott Johnson : Patty Hearst
11/2006 | #8028 |
Earle Brown : Folio and Four Systems
11/2006 | #7617 |
Henry Kaiser / Charles K. Noyes / Sang Won Park : Invite the Spirit 2006
11/2006 | #8027 |
Lee Hyla : Wilson's Ivory-Bill
11/2006 | #7360 |
Uri Caine : Moloch: Book of Angels Volume 6
10/2006 | #8113 |
Alon Nechushtan and Talat : The Growl
10/2006 | #7359 |
John Zorn : Astronome
10/2006 | #8112 |
Rashanim : Shalosh
09/2006 | #8025 |
Billy Martin : Starlings
09/2006 | #8026 |
Evan Parker : Time Lapse
08/2006 | #8024 |
Anthony Coleman : Pushy Blueness
08/2006 | #8111 |
Jamie Saft Trio : Trouble–The Jamie Saft Trio Plays Bob Dylan
08/2006 | #8110 |
Zakarya : 413 A
07/2006 | #8109 |
Irving Fields meets Roberto Rodriguez : Oy Vey!!!...Olé!!!
07/2006 | #8023 |
John King : AllSteel
06/2006 | #8108 |
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb : Mayim Rabim
06/2006 | #7716 |
Robin Holcomb : John Brown’s Body
06/2006 | #7358 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : Balan: Book of Angels Vol.5
06/2006 | #T003 |
Tzadik : Moonchild T-Shirt
05/2006 | #7357 |
John Zorn : Moonchild
05/2006 | #7356 |
Koby Israelite : Orobas: Book Of Angels Vol. 4
05/2006 | #7263 |
Otomo/Laswell/Yoshida : Episome
05/2006 | #8022 |
Zeena Parkins : Necklace
04/2006 | #7262 |
Haino Keiji/Yoshida Tatsuya : New Rap
04/2006 | #7355 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XVIII: The Treatment
04/2006 | #7616-2 |
Joseph Holbrooke Trio : The Moat Recordings
02/2006 | #8106 |
Anthony Coleman : Shmutsige Magnaten: Coleman Plays Gebirtig
02/2006 | #7615-2 |
Ned Rothenberg : Solo Works-The Lumina Recordings
02/2006 | #8107 |
Paul Shapiro : It's in the Twilight
02/2006 | #8021 |
Wayne Horvitz : Whispers, Hymns and a Murmur
02/2006 | #0002 |
Zorn/Douglas/ Patton/Laswell/ Burger/Perowsky : The Stone: Issue One
01/2006 | #7353 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XVII
01/2006 | #8020 |
Jon Gibson : Criss X Cross
01/2006 | #7354 |
Mark Feldman and Sylvie Courvoisier : Malphas: Book Of Angels Vol. 3
01/2006 | #7261 |
Muddy World : Finery of the Storm
11/2005 | #7260 |
Ayuo : Aoi
11/2005 | #7409 |
Buckethead : Kaleidoscalp
11/2005 | #7614 |
Cyro Baptista : Love The Donkey
11/2005 | #7352-2 |
Electric Masada : At The Mountains Of Madness
11/2005 | #8018 |
John Zorn : Mysterium
11/2005 | #3004 |
Ken Jacobs : Celestial Subway Lines/Salvaging Noise
11/2005 | #7351 |
Masada String Trio : Azazel: Book Of Angels Vol. 2
10/2005 | #8017 |
Brad Lubman : Insomniac
10/2005 | #8105 |
Eyal Maoz : Edom
10/2005 | #8019 |
Toby Driver : In The L..L..Library Loft
09/2005 | #8104 |
Davka : Davka Live
09/2005 | #7350 |
John Zorn : Filmworks Anthology - 20 Years of Soundtrack Music
09/2005 | #7259 |
Ni Hao! : Gorgeous
09/2005 | #5012 |
PainKiller : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Twelve
08/2005 | #5011-3 |
Bar Kokhba Sextet : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Eleven
08/2005 | #7612 |
Derek Bailey : Carpal Tunnel
08/2005 | #8103 |
John Zorn : Masada Anniversary Edition Vol. 5: Masada Rock
08/2005 | #7613 |
Misha Mengelberg : Senne Sing Song
08/2005 | #7349 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : The Cracow Klezmer Band Plays John Zorn Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass: A Tribute to Bruno Schultz
06/2005 | #7258 |
Afrirampo : Kore Ga Mayaku Da
06/2005 | #8102 |
Frank London : Hazònos
06/2005 | #7348 |
Jamie Saft Trio : Astaroth: Book of Angels Vol. 1 Jamie Saft Trio Plays Masada Book Two
05/2005 | #8101 |
Andy Statman : Avodas Halevi
05/2005 | #7714 |
Ikue Mori : Myrninerest
05/2005 | #7347 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XVI: Workingman's Death
05/2005 | #7346-2 |
Masada : Sanhedrin
05/2005 | #7715 |
Okkyung Lee : Nihm
04/2005 | #8016 |
Jacques Coursil : Minimal Brass
04/2005 | #7257 |
Korekyojinn : Isotope
04/2005 | #7256 |
Merzbow : Sphere
04/2005 | #8013 |
Time of Orchids : Sarcast While
03/2005 | #8014 |
Chris Brown : Rogue Wave
03/2005 | #8015 |
Matthew Welch : Dream Tigers
03/2005 | #7408 |
Mr. Dorgon : God Is Greatest
03/2005 | #7344-5 |
Naked City : The Complete Studio Recordings
03/2005 | #7254 |
Synapse : Raw
03/2005 | #7255 |
Toshinori Kondo : Fukyo
02/2005 | #8011 |
John Zorn : Rituals
02/2005 | #7345 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XV: Protocols Of Zion
02/2005 | #7253 |
Makigami Koichi : Koedarake
02/2005 | #7252 |
Mori Chieko : Jumping Rabbit
02/2005 | #8012 |
Peter Garland : Love Songs
01/2005 | #8010 |
Charles Wuorinen : On Alligators
01/2005 | #7199 |
Koby Israelite : Mood Swings
01/2005 | #7251 |
Radar : Easy Listening
01/2005 | #5010 |
Yamataka Eye/John Zorn : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Ten
01/2005 | #7198 |
Zohara : Scorched Lips
11/2004 | #8007 |
Annie Gosfield : Lost Signals and Drifting Satellites
11/2004 | #3003 |
Antonio Ferrera : Masada Live at Tonic 1999
11/2004 | #7197 |
Charming Hostess : Sarajevo Blues
11/2004 | #5009 |
John Zorn : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Nine: The Classic Guide to Strategy Volume Three
11/2004 | #8009 |
Scott Johnson : John Somebody
11/2004 | #8008 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Lake Biwa
11/2004 | #7250 |
Yamataka Eye/John Zorn : Naninani II
10/2004 | #7196 |
David Krakauer : Music from the Winery
10/2004 | #8006 |
John Zorn : Magick
10/2004 | #7713 |
Lesli Dalaba : Timelines
10/2004 | #7195 |
Shirim Klezmer Orchestra : Pincus and the Pig: A Klezmer Tale
10/2004 | #5008 |
Smith/Ibarra/Zorn : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Eight
09/2004 | #7194 |
Aaron Alexander : Midrash Mish Mosh
09/2004 | #5007 |
Masada : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Seven
09/2004 | #8005 |
Richard Crandell : Mbira Magic
09/2004 | #7191 |
Steven Bernstein : Hollywood Diaspora
09/2004 | #7712 |
Yuka Honda : Eucademix
08/2004 | #7193 |
Basya Schechter : Queen's Dominion
08/2004 | #8004 |
Christopher Adler : Epilogue for a Dark Day
08/2004 | #5006 |
Hemophiliac : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Six
08/2004 | #8003 |
Raz Mesinai : Cyborg Acoustics
07/2004 | #5005 |
Fred Frith/John Zorn Duo : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Five
07/2004 | #8002 |
Morton Feldman : Patterns in a Chromatic Field
07/2004 | #7188 |
Paul Brody : Beyond Babylon
07/2004 | #7192 |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Jacob do Bandolim
06/2004 | #8001 |
David Simons : Prismatic Hearing
06/2004 | #7190 |
John Zorn : Masada Anniversary Edition Vol. 4: Masada Recital
06/2004 | #7099 |
Lukas Ligeti : Mystery System
06/2004 | #7189 |
Roberto Rodriguez : Baila! Gitano Baila!
05/2004 | #7249 |
Agata : Spike
05/2004 | #5004 |
Electric Masada : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Four
05/2004 | #7711 |
Mephista : Entomological Reflections
05/2004 | #7187 |
Pharaoh's Daughter : Out of the Reeds
04/2004 | #7093 |
Jerry Hunt : Phalba
04/2004 | #5003 |
Locus Solus : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Three
04/2004 | #7098 |
Susie Ibarra : Folkloriko
04/2004 | #7248 |
Yamamoto Seiichi : Baptism
03/2004 | #7097 |
Alvin Curran : Lost Marbles
03/2004 | #3001 |
Claudia Heuermann : A Bookshelf On Top Of The Sky: 12 Stories About John Zorn
03/2004 | #7186 |
Greg Wall : Later Prophets
03/2004 | #5002 |
Milford Graves/John Zorn : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume Two
03/2004 | #3002 |
Pierre Hébert/Bob Ostertag : Between Science and Garbage
02/2004 | #7096 |
Ernesto Martinez : Mutaciones
02/2004 | #5001 |
Masada String Trio : 50th Birthday Celebration Volume One
02/2004 | #7407 |
Mike Pathos : People
02/2004 | #7710 |
Red Pocket : Thick
02/2004 | #7610-4 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Kabell Years 1971-1979
01/2004 | #7095 |
Anthony Pateras : Mutant Theatre
01/2004 | #7246 |
Ayuo/Ohta Hiromi : Red Moon
01/2004 | #7517 |
Fred Frith : Eye to Ear II
01/2004 | #7709 |
Jenny Scheinman : Shalagaster
01/2004 | #7406 |
Rodd Keith : Ecstacy to Frenzy
01/2004 | #7247 |
Yoshida/Fujii : Erans
11/2003 | #7609-2 |
Anton Fier : Blindlight 1992-1994
11/2003 | #7185 |
Davka : The Golem
11/2003 | #7245 |
Hoahio : Peek-Ara-Boo
11/2003 | #7094 |
Mark Applebaum : Catfish
10/2003 | #7091 |
Chien-Yin Chen : Purr
10/2003 | #7092 |
Kayo Dot : Choirs of the Eye
10/2003 | #7708 |
Muna Zul : Muna Zul
10/2003 | #7182 |
Ted Reichman : Emigre
10/2003 | #7184 |
Zakarya : Something Obvious
09/2003 | #7516 |
Marc Ribot : Filmworks II
09/2003 | #7183 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : Bereshit
08/2003 | #7515 |
Doug Wieselman : Dimly Lit: Collected Soundtracks 1996-2002
08/2003 | #7090 |
Julius Hemphill : One Atmosphere
08/2003 | #7089 |
Marc Ribot : Scelsi Morning
07/2003 | #7343 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XIV: Hiding and Seeking
07/2003 | #7181 |
John Zorn : Masada Anniversary Edition Vol. 3: The Unknown Masada
07/2003 | #7088 |
Milton Babbitt : Occasional Variations
07/2003 | #T001 |
Tzadik : IAO Black T-Shirt
06/2003 | #7087 |
Carolyn Yarnell : Sonic Vision
06/2003 | #7707 |
Kitty Brazelton and Dafna Naphtali : What Is It Like To Be A Bat?
05/2003 | #7180 |
Borah Bergman : Meditations for Piano
05/2003 | #7086 |
Raz Mesinai : Resurrections for Goatskin
05/2003 | #7244 |
Sachi Hayasaka : Minga
05/2003 | #7243 |
Yamamoto Seiichi : Nu Frequency
04/2003 | #7242 |
Adachi Tomomi Royal Chorus : Yo
04/2003 | #7085 |
John Zorn : Chimeras (2003 release - Out of Print)
04/2003 | #7178 |
Jon Madof : Rashanim
04/2003 | #7179 |
Koby Israelite : Dance of the Idiots
03/2003 | #7172 |
John Zorn : Masada Anniversary Edition Vol. 2: Voices in the Wilderness
03/2003 | #7176 |
Kramer : The Greenberg Variations
03/2003 | #7241 |
Limited Express (has gone?) : Feeds You!
03/2003 | #7611-2 |
Various Artists : Irving Stone Memorial Concert
03/2003 | #7177 |
Zahava Seewald and Psamim : KOVED - A Tribute to Martin Weinberg
02/2003 | #7175 |
Ben Perowsky : Camp Songs
02/2003 | #7084 |
Elliott Sharp : String Quartets 1986–1996
02/2003 | #7174 |
Paul Shapiro : Midnight Minyan
01/2003 | #7706 |
Carla Kihlstedt : Two Foot Yard
01/2003 | #7171 |
John Zorn : Masada Anniversary Edition Vol. 1: Masada Guitars
01/2003 | #7240 |
Syzygys : Complete Studio Recordings
01/2003 | #7173 |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Sasha Argov
11/2002 | #7342 |
PainKiller : Talisman
11/2002 | #7170 |
Rob Burger : Lost Photograph
11/2002 | #7705 |
Shelley Hirsch : The Far In, Far Out Worlds of Shelley Hirsch
11/2002 | #7083 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Luminous Axis (The Caravans Of Winter And Summer)
10/2002 | #7608 |
Cyro Baptista : Beat the Donkey
10/2002 | #7082 |
Frank Denyer : Fired City
10/2002 | #7169 |
Satlah : Children Of Israel
10/2002 | #T002 |
Tzadik : The Gift Black T-Shirt
09/2002 | #7081 |
Eric Qin : Photographs: 1988–1993
09/2002 | #7341 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XIII: Invitation To A Suicide
09/2002 | #7514 |
Wayne Horvitz : Film Music 1998-2001
08/2002 | #7079 |
David Shea : Classical Works II
08/2002 | #7080 |
Derek Bailey : Pieces for Guitar
08/2002 | #7340 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XII: Three Documentaries
07/2002 | #7339 |
John Zorn : Filmworks XI: Secret Lives
06/2002 | #7167 |
Frank London : Scientist at Work
06/2002 | #0001 |
Hemophiliac : Hemophiliac (Tzadik Limited Edition)
06/2002 | #7165 |
Jenny Scheinman : The Rabbi’s Lover
06/2002 | #7163 |
Paul Brody's Sadawi : Kabbalah Dream
06/2002 | #7078 |
Pierre-Yves Macé : Faux-Jumeaux
06/2002 | #7168 |
Rabbinical School Dropouts : Cosmic Tree
06/2002 | #7164 |
Steven Bernstein : Diaspora Blues
06/2002 | #7166 |
Wolf Krakowski : Goyrl : Destiny
05/2002 | #7162 |
Jamie Saft : Breadcrumb Sins
05/2002 | #7338 |
John Zorn : IAO
05/2002 | #7336 |
Naked City : Naked City Live vol. 1: Knitting Factory 1989
05/2002 | #7161 |
Z'ev : The Sapphire Nature
04/2002 | #7077 |
Charles Wuorinen : LEPTON
04/2002 | #7607 |
Derek Bailey : Ballads
04/2002 | #7337 |
Masada : First Live 1993
04/2002 | #7239-2 |
Rovo : Tonic
04/2002 | #7160 |
Tim Sparks : At the Rebbe’s Table
03/2002 | #7335 |
John Zorn : Cobra
03/2002 | #73162 |
John Zorn : Hockey
03/2002 | #7704 |
Mephista : Black Narcissus
03/2002 | #7238 |
Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Ensemble : Dreams
02/2002 | #7072 |
Bobby Previte : The 23 Constellations of Joan Miro
02/2002 | #7076 |
Fred Frith : Freedom in Fragments
02/2002 | #7159 |
Sephardic Tinge : Our Beautiful Garden is Open
02/2002 | #7703 |
Yuka Honda : Memories Are My Only Witness
01/2002 | #7075 |
Alvin Singleton : Somehow We Can
01/2002 | #7074 |
Gordon Mumma : Live-Electronic Music
01/2002 | #7158 |
Roberto Rodriguez : El Danzon de Moises
01/2002 | #7513 |
Steve Beresford : Cue Sheets II
01/2002 | #7702 |
Susie Ibarra : Songbird Suite
11/2001 | #7156 |
David Gould : Adonai in Dub
11/2001 | #7154 |
Erik Friedlander : Grains of Paradise
11/2001 | #7155 |
Jewlia Eisenberg : Trilectic
11/2001 | #7606 |
Massacre : Meltdown
11/2001 | #7237 |
Mono : Under the Pipal Tree
11/2001 | #7153 |
Naftule's Dream : Job
11/2001 | #7073 |
Otomo Yoshihide : Anode
11/2001 | #7157 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : The Warriors
10/2001 | #7071 |
Christian Wolff : Burdocks
10/2001 | #7512 |
Elliott Sharp : Suspension of Disbelief
10/2001 | #7152 |
Fima Ephron : Soul Machine
10/2001 | #7235 |
Hikashu : Hikashu History
10/2001 | #7236 |
Syzygys : Eyes on Green: Syzygys Live at Tokyo Inkstick 1988
09/2001 | #7069 |
Annie Gosfield : Flying Sparks and Heavy Machinery
09/2001 | #7511 |
Bill Laswell : Filmtracks 2000
09/2001 | #B001 |
John Zorn : Arcana I
09/2001 | #7334-2 |
Masada : Live at Tonic 2001
09/2001 | #7151 |
Raz Mesinai : Before the Law
09/2001 | #7070 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Red Sulphur Sky
08/2001 | #7068 |
Ikue Mori : Labyrinth
08/2001 | #7333 |
John Zorn : Filmworks X: In The Mirror of Maya Deren
08/2001 | #7234 |
Ruins : Live at Kichijoji /Mandala II
08/2001 | #7150 |
Wolf Krakowski : Transmigrations: Gilgul
07/2001 | #7233 |
A Qui Avec Gabriel : Utsuho
07/2001 | #7067 |
Jose Maceda : Gongs and Bamboo
06/2001 | #7605 |
Fred Frith : Clearing
06/2001 | #7066 |
John Zorn : Songs From The Hermetic Theatre
06/2001 | #7701 |
Xtatika : Tongue Bath
05/2001 | #7065 |
John Zorn : Madness, Love and Mysticism
05/2001 | #7232 |
Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Quintet : Flutter
04/2001 | #7140 |
Davka : Lavy's Dream
04/2001 | #7332 |
John Zorn : The Gift
03/2001 | #7149 |
Satlah : Exodus
01/2001 | #7231 |
Aiko Shimada : Blue Marble
01/2001 | #7064 |
David Mahler : Hearing Voices
01/2001 | #73164-3 |
John Zorn : Archery
01/2001 | #7146 |
Oren Bloedow and Jennifer Charles : La Mar Enfortuna
01/2001 | #7148 |
Zakarya : Zakarya
12/2000 | #7147 |
Frank London : Invocations
12/2000 | #7331 |
John Zorn : Filmworks IX: Trembling Before G-D
12/2000 | #7063 |
Mark Dresser : Marinade
11/2000 | #7145 |
Gary Lucas : Street of Lost Brothers
11/2000 | #7330-2 |
John Zorn : Cartoon S/M
11/2000 | #7062 |
Milford Graves : Stories
09/2000 | #7329 |
John Zorn : Xu Feng
09/2000 | #7143 |
The Cracow Klezmer Band : De Profundis
09/2000 | #7144 |
Tim Sparks : Tanz
08/2000 | #7328 |
John Zorn : The Big Gundown - 15th Anniversary Special Edition
08/2000 | #7061 |
Ned Rothenberg : Ghost Stories
07/2000 | #7142 |
Jamie Saft : Sovlanut
07/2000 | #7327 |
Masada : Live In Sevilla 2000
06/2000 | #7059 |
Eyvind Kang : The Story of Iceland
06/2000 | #73163 |
John Zorn : Pool
06/2000 | #7141 |
New Klezmer Trio : Short For Something
06/2000 | #7060 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Reflectativity
05/2000 | #7058 |
Bill Brovold : Childish Delusions
05/2000 | #7230 |
Hoahio : Ohayo! Hoahio!
05/2000 | #7057 |
Susie Ibarra : Flower After Flower
05/2000 | #7229 |
Tetsu Inoue : Fragments Dots
04/2000 | #7228 |
Dosage : Empties
04/2000 | #7056 |
Lois Vierk : River Beneath the River
04/2000 | #7604 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Golden Quartet
03/2000 | #7139 |
Danny Zamir : Satlah
03/2000 | #7603 |
Derek Bailey/Jamaaladeen Tacuma/Calvin Weston : Mirakle
02/2000 | #7055 |
Ikue Mori : One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
01/2000 | #7227 |
Ayuo : Izutsu
01/2000 | #7054 |
George Lewis : Endless Shout
01/2000 | #73161-2 |
John Zorn : Lacrosse
01/2000 | #7053 |
Peter Garland : The Days Run Away
11/1999 | #7226 |
Death Ambient : Synaesthesia
11/1999 | #7052 |
Gerry Hemingway : Chamber Works
11/1999 | #7326 |
Masada : Live In Middleheim 1999
11/1999 | #7225 |
Motor Humming : Musical Aluminum
10/1999 | #7224 |
Friction : Zone Tripper
10/1999 | #7325 |
John Zorn : Taboo and Exile
10/1999 | #7051 |
Otomo Yoshihide : Cathode
09/1999 | #7405 |
Danny Cohen : Museum of Dannys
09/1999 | #7050 |
Giustino Di Gregorio : Sprut
09/1999 | #7049 |
Zeena Parkins : Pan-Acousticon
08/1999 | #7223 |
Korekyojin : Korekyojin
08/1999 | #7048 |
Lee Hyla : Riff and Transfiguration
08/1999 | #7138 |
Tim Sparks : Neshamah
07/1999 | #7047 |
John Zorn : The String Quartets
07/1999 | #7324 |
John Zorn : Godard/Spillane
07/1999 | #7137 |
Steven Bernstein : Diaspora Soul
07/1999 | #7046 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Light Upon Light
06/1999 | #7135 |
Davka : Judith
06/1999 | #7045 |
Jerry Hunt : Song Drapes
06/1999 | #7136 |
Marty Ehrlich : Sojourn
05/1999 | #7134 |
Marc Ribot/Shrek : Yo! I Killed Your God
05/1999 | #7602-2 |
Various Artists : Hallelujah, Anyway - Remembering Tom Cora
04/1999 | #7133 |
Ahava Raba : Kete Kuf
04/1999 | #7042 |
Mark DeGliAntoni : Horse Tricks
03/1999 | #7044 |
Bill Laswell : Invisible Design
03/1999 | #7322-2 |
Masada : Live in Jerusalem 1994
03/1999 | #7222 |
MicroCosmos : Pilgrimage
03/1999 | #7221-2 |
Purple Trap : Decided... Already The Motionless Heart Of Tranquility, Tangling The Prayer Called "I"
02/1999 | #7043 |
Maryanne Amacher : Sound Characters
02/1999 | #7404 |
Dion McGregor : Dion McGregor Dreams Again
02/1999 | #7219 |
Melt Banana : MxBx 1998 / 13,000 miles at light velocity
02/1999 | #7132 |
Psamim : Abi Gezint!
02/1999 | #7220 |
Satoko Fujii : Kitsune-bi
01/1999 | #7131 |
Ambarchi/Avenaim : The Alter Rebbe's Nigun
01/1999 | #7130 |
Glenn Spearman : Blues For Falasha
01/1999 | #7218 |
Yagi Michiyo : Shizuku
11/1998 | #7039 |
Alvin Curran : Theme Park
11/1998 | #7040 |
Annie Gosfield : Burnt Ivory and Loose Wires
11/1998 | #7217 |
Death Praxis: Tenko/Ikue Mori : Mystery
11/1998 | #7129 |
London / Sklamberg / Caine : Nigunim
10/1998 | #7127 |
David Krakauer : Klezmer, NY
10/1998 | #7038 |
Gisburg : Trust
10/1998 | #7321 |
John Zorn : Music for Children (1998 release Out of Print)
10/1998 | #7216 |
Makigami Koichi : Electric Eel
10/1998 | #7323-2 |
Masada : Live In Taipei 1995
10/1998 | #7601 |
Massacre : Funny Valentine
10/1998 | #7128 |
Sephardic Tinge : Morenica
09/1998 | #7319 |
John Zorn : Ganryu Island
09/1998 | #7320 |
John Zorn : The Bribe
06/1998 | #7215 |
Ruins : Symphonica
1998 | #7123 |
Anthony Coleman : The Abysmal Richness of the Infinite Proximity of the Same
1998 | #7120 |
Ben Goldberg, John Schott, Michael Sarin : What Comes Before
1998 | #7031 |
Bun-Ching Lam : The Child God
1998 | #7029 |
Daniel Goode : Tunnel-Funnel
1998 | #7403 |
Danny Cohen, Mike Boner, Horse Cock Kids : Self Indulgent Music
1998 | #7041 |
David Shea : Classical Works
1998 | #7509 |
Evan Lurie : How I Spent My Vacation
1998 | #7032 |
Eyvind Kang : Theater of Mineral NADEs
1998 | #7034 |
Fred Frith : Pacifica
1998 | #7121 |
Gary Lucas : Busy Being Born
1998 | #7508 |
Ikue Mori : B/Side
1998 | #7028 |
John Zorn : Angelus Novus
1998 | #7037 |
John Zorn : Aporias
1998 | #7318 |
John Zorn : Filmworks VIII 1997
1998 | #7122-2 |
John Zorn : The Circle Maker
1998 | #7119 |
Kramer : Let me explain something to you about Art
1998 | #7033 |
Luc Ferrari : Cellule 75
1998 | #7214 |
Merzbow : 1930
1998 | #7030 |
Milford Graves : Grand Unification
1998 | #7125 |
Naftule's Dream : Smash, Clap!
1998 | #7035 |
Norman Yamada : Being and Time
1998 | #7317-4 |
PainKiller : Painkiller Collected Works
1998 | #7510 |
Phillip Johnston : Music For Films
1998 | #7124 |
Steve Lacy : Sands
1998 | #7036 |
Teiji Ito : King Ubu
1998 | #7213 |
Tetsu Inoue : Psycho-Acoustic
1998 | #7126 |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Marc Bolan
02/1997 | #7312-2 |
Naked City : Black Box
1997 | #7021 |
Bun-Ching Lam : ...Like Water
1997 | #7211 |
Compostela : Wadachi
1997 | #7024 |
David Slusser : Delight at the End of the Tunnel
1997 | #7505 |
Elliott Sharp : Figure Ground
1997 | #7507 |
Frank London : The Debt
1997 | #7503 |
Fred Frith : Eye To Ear
1997 | #7115 |
John Schott : In These Great Times
1997 | #7023 |
John Zorn : Duras: Duchamp
1997 | #7303 |
John Zorn : Locus Solus
1997 | #7309 |
John Zorn : Filmworks III: 1990-1995
1997 | #7310 |
John Zorn : Filmworks IV
1997 | #7311 |
John Zorn : New Traditions In East Asian Bar Bands
1997 | #7314 |
John Zorn : Filmworks I
1997 | #7315 |
John Zorn : Filmworks VII: Cynical Hysterie Hour
1997 | #7316-7 |
John Zorn : Parachute Years
1997 | #7402 |
Ken Butler : Voices of Anxious Objects
1997 | #7025 |
Mamoru Fujieda : Patterns of Plants
1997 | #7504 |
Marc Ribot : Shoe String Symphonettes
1997 | #7027 |
Mark Dresser : Banquet
1997 | #7006 |
Mark Feldman : Music For Violin Alone
1997 | #7022 |
Mike Patton : Pranzo Oltranzista
1997 | #7118 |
Naftule's Dream : Search for the Golden Dreydl
1997 | #7506 |
Nana Vasconcelos : Fragments - Modern Tradition
1997 | #7113 |
Nathanson & Coleman : I Could've Been A Drum
1997 | #7117 |
Someck & Sharp : Revenge of the Stuttering Child
1997 | #7114-2 |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Burt Bacharach
1997 | #7116 |
Various Artists : Great Jewish Music: Serge Gainsbourg
1997 | #7026 |
Virgil Moorefield : The Temperature in Hell is Over Three Thousand Degrees
1997 | #7212 |
Yasunao Tone : Solo for Wounded CD
1996 | #7110 |
Anthony Coleman : Selfhaters
1996 | #7005 |
David Shea : Hsi-Yu Chi
1996 | #7016 |
Elliott Sharp : XenocodeX
1996 | #7107 |
Erik Friedlander : The Watchman
1996 | #7013 |
Eyvind Kang : 7 Nades
1996 | #7019 |
Gisburg : Shadows In The Sea
1996 | #7018 |
Guy Klucevsek : Stolen Memories
1996 | #7020 |
Ikue Mori : Garden
1996 | #7305 |
John Zorn : The Classic Guide To Strategy
1996 | #7306 |
John Zorn : Filmworks II: Music For an Untitled Film By Walter Hill
1996 | #7307 |
John Zorn : Filmworks V: Tears of Ecstasy
1996 | #7308 |
John Zorn : Filmworks VI 1996
1996 | #7108-2 |
John Zorn : Bar Kokhba
1996 | #7210 |
Jon : Smoke
1996 | #7111 |
Kletka Red : Hijacking
1996 | #7014 |
Li Chin Sung : Past
1996 | #7015 |
Mike Patton : Adult Themes For Voice
1996 | #7112 |
New Klezmer Trio : Masks and Faces
1996 | #7502 |
Peter Scherer : Cronologia
1996 | #7401 |
Rodd Keith : I Died Today
1996 | #7501 |
Steve Beresford : Cue Sheets
1996 | #7017 |
Wadada Leo Smith : Tao-Njia
1996 | #7109 |
Zeena Parkins : Mouth=Maul=Betrayer
1996 | #7209 |
Zubi Zuva : Jehovah
09/1995 | #7302 |
John Zorn : Elegy
09/1995 | #7301 |
John Zorn : Kristallnacht
1995 | #7001 |
Alvin Curran : Animal Behavior
1995 | #7102 |
Anthony Coleman : Sephardic Tinge
1995 | #7004 |
Arnold Dreyblatt : Animal Magnetism
1995 | #7002 |
Chris Brown : Lava
1995 | #7101 |
David Krakauer : Klezmer Madness!
1995 | #7207 |
Death Ambient : Death Ambient
1995 | #7205 |
Derek and the Ruins : Saisoro
1995 | #7007 |
Gisburg : No Stranger Not At All
1995 | #7204 |
Ground Zero : Null and Void
1995 | #7203 |
Haino Keiji : Tenshi No Gijinka
1995 | #7012 |
Harry Partch : 17 Lyrics of Li Po
1995 | #7201 |
Ikue Mori : Hex Kitchen
1995 | #7011 |
Jim O'Rourke : Terminal Pharmacy
1995 | #7008 |
John Zorn : Redbird
1995 | #7009 |
John Zorn : The Book of Heads
1995 | #7304 |
John Zorn : First Recordings 1973
1995 | #7208 |
Makigami Koichi : Kuchinoha
1995 | #7003 |
Mamoru Fujieda : The Night Chant
1995 | #7106 |
Mystic Fugu Orchestra : Zohar
1995 | #7103 |
New Klezmer Trio : Melt Zonk Rewire
1995 | #7105 |
Richard Teitelbaum : Golem
1995 | #7202 |
Ruins : Hyderomastgroningem
1995 | #7104 |
Shelley Hirsch : O Little Town Of East New York
1995 | #7206 |
Yamataka Eye/John Zorn : Nani Nani
1995 | #7010 |
Yuji Takahashi : Finger Light
| #7381 |
Ben Goldberg Quartet : Baal: The Book Of Angels vol. 15